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Balance, Increase and Give – Goals for 2020

Balance, Increase and Give – Goals for 2020

We are all excited for 2020 and doing goals and plans for the new year and new decade. I haven’t seen this much excitement about a new year as I have for this year!

Are you making goals and resolutions for the New Year?

Hopefully you are and you are going to make it a daily pursuit to accomplish them. Make it simple on yourself and ask each morning: What am I going to do today to get myself closer to reaching my goal of _____________. Did you use the S.M.A.R.T. system for your goals? Use the action steps, and if you need a visual reminder use index cards and write the goals and steps and put them where you will see them throughout your day. (i.e.: mirror, computer screen, car dash……)

Put BALANCE into your life.

All work and no play will make you a dull person and all play and no work makes you broke! With all the technology, we could work 24/7. But should you? Set up balance in your life for work, play, and self-care.

Make a schedule when you will be available for work, appointments, answering emails, text and post. Stick to that schedule.

Take time to schedule play time. Buy tickets to events in advance so you will go. Seek out social opportunities that break up the day, even if it is just to get a coffee and people watch.

And don’t forget to take care of YOU. Exercise, meal planning and eating, grooming, chilling out and sleep. These are all important parts of our day and will help us achieve our goals.

When you find a balance of these, your days will be full-filled and you will have a greater focus on your day.

Increase your expertise

It’s nice to feel comfortable in our life. But The world is changing everyday. You must evolve with the changes or you will be left behind. Seek and find out areas you are not as knowledgeable and challenge yourself to become more familiar with them. Find one thing in your profession and personal life to increase your expertise each month.


Take the time to give back to the people in your life. Ask someone daily,
“What can I do for you today?” This will help you know this person better and in turn you might learn from them different approaches and needs to daily circumstances. I assure you this is very gratifying and will bring you an inner reward daily and just might help you push through your own trying times.

Have a great 2020 and let me know how you are doing.

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